讲座时间:2019年5月8日 15:00---17:00
讲座题目:The teaching ofEnglishthesis writing to science students: a structure-based approach
The teaching ofEnglishthesis writing to science students: a structure-based approach
Huang Yue Yuan
Institute for Advanced Study, Shenzhen University
Academic writing is at the heart of teaching and learning in higher education, with the graduation thesis writing as a capstone, because after all students are largely assessed by what they write. Many studies have been done on academic writing and different approaches have been suggested and tried. In China, non-English major students, both undergraduates and postgraduates, write their graduation thesis in Chinese. Now with a strong need for professional talents and internationalization, there is an urgent demand for the training of advanced English writing skills, such as thesis writing skills.
This talk reports our structure-based approach in teaching undergraduate science students to write their thesis in English. The Science Talent Experimental Class of Shenzhen University (深圳大学理工创新实验班) was founded in 2014, to explore a new model of training science talents. This program offers four majors: mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology. In May 2018, the first batch of students graduated with a successful completion of their undergraduate thesis in English.
In this talk, we will discuss: (1) the structure-based thesis writing materials we have developed for the program, including thesis writing guidelines, thesis marking criteria; (2) the problems of students in the writing process; (3) our collaboration with the thesis supervisors of the four disciplines and our solution to the discipline-specific writing formats. The video of thesis oral presentations of our students will be shown, and our teaching materials will be shared.
黄月圆于1991年获纽约州立大学石溪分校语言学博士学位。在香港浸会大学语文中心任教22年,她的主要研究方向是第二语言习得,作为项目负责人主持过四项香港研究资助局及香港语文基金的研究项目,作为博士生导师,指导过三名博士生,17名硕士生。 黄月圆现任深圳大学高等研究院英语课程特别顾问。她目前的研究重点是大学英语教学与学术英语写作。她为深大高研院的“理工创新实验班”设计和发展了一套大学英语的课程体系及教材,并与高研院的英语教学团队课堂实践这套体系的教材,在实践中探索大学英语教学的诸方面问题。同时,她也在探索如何有效提高研究生和博士后的英语能力,已经编写了一套研究生及博士后英语自主学习系列教材,为研究生开设“科技英语写作工作坊”。 |
· 深圳大学高等研究院网址:/index.html
· 黄月圆的网页:/index.html